Monthly Archives

May 2014

Teaching Science

Inexpensive microscope substitute

One of the most expensive pieces of science equipment to purchase for home studies is a microscope. A good microscope is really a necessity for middle and high school studies, but there's a cheaper alternative for the earlier grades. You can purchase an "illuminated pocket microscope" for anywhere from $10-$30, depending on the light source and magnification level. It's definitely limited in what it will do, and it's no substitute for a real microscope at…
Cheryl Taylor
May 18, 2014

Seed Germination Lab

Children are fascinated by the fact that a seed can grow into a plant. You've probably already planted seeds with your child in order to watch them grow into plants. Here's a slightly different way to show your child the actual process of germination that allows them to actually see the plant emerge from the seed. Materials: seeds, paper towel, plastic sandwich bag, magnifying glass Procedure: 1. Fold a paper towel so that it fits…
Cheryl Taylor
May 11, 2014

Slinky Waves

Have an old slinky collecting dust in the kids' toy box? Pull it out and teach a quick lesson on the two types of waves. 1. Loosely stretch the slinky across the floor or long table with you holding one end and your child holding the other. 2. Create a transverse wave by shaking one end of the slinky horizontally across the floor or table. Continue shaking back and forth to set up a series…
Cheryl Taylor
May 5, 2014